Bridgeport Community Garden: Food For The People
Our Bridgeport Gardens Ministry began more than a decade ago, with raised beds for community members to use to grow vegetables to share. Since then, we’ve deepened our commitment to caring for Creation by tending to the environment in responsible ways. We acknowledge the holy ground that has been entrusted to our care.
In an effort to be good stewards of the land around our building, we’ve removed some of the asphalt in our parking lot and with the help of Depave, installed a bioswale and rain gardens. We’ve incorporated native plants around the property and have been certified as a pollinator garden. We partner with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, East Multnomah County Soil & Water District, Pollinator Parkways, and the Community Watershed Stewardship Program.
Plans are underway to expand our raised beds in collaboration with Beacon Village to serve the residents of the village, the Bridgeport congregation, and the wider community.
In an attempt to fundraise for the next stage of our beautiful garden, we are selling packets of 8 postcards depicting a painting of our vision. They are $20. If you are interested, please email us HERE.
Share our gardening journey in the gallery below and be on the lookout for more images soon.
Grab your gloves and join us!