| "Without community, there is no liberation" ~ Audre Lorde We celebrate the "T" in LGBT!
| "Without community, there is no liberation" ~ Audre Lorde We celebrate the "T" in LGBT!
Bridgeport United Church of Christ
An LGBTQ affirming, authentic community working for peace, justice and the integrity of creation.
We stand against Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism.
Our faith is over 2000 years old...
Our thinking is not.
Welcome – We are glad you found your way here!
Bridgeport United Church of Christ is meeting for worship in person and on Zoom each week at 10:30 AM PST. You may find the link for Zoom here.
Masks are no longer required in the building at all times, but we do provide them for those who wish to wear them.
All are welcome to join us. Bridgeport UCC is intentionally inclusive of those who are LGBTQAI+. We believe that we are all created in God’s image, so we celebrate who you are, wherever you are on life’s journey. We encourage you to come with your questions, your doubts, and your curiosities.
We are an Anti-Racist, Open & Affirming, Just Peace, Immigrant Welcoming Congregation.
Child care: We have an on-site childcare provider and a nursery so that you can join us for service.
We hope that you will join us to find out more!
Bridgeport United Church of Christ stands with our transgender, nonbinary, masculine of center, gender fluid and gender queer siblings.
You are a divine gift. The kin-dom of God is not complete without your presence. You matter to God and you matter to us.
The current anti-trans movement is an abomination and must not be tolerated in any form.
We love you.
Our Ministries
Justice & Witness Ministry Team
Learn more about how our Justice and Witness Ministry Team engages in social justice and advocacy in our community and beyond.
Worship & The Arts Ministry Team
Learn how we express our faith through art in worship with the contributions of many talented artists in the community
Beacon Village PDX Community
Learn about our collaboration with Beacon Village to create community with houseless residents in our neighborhood.
Bridgeport Community Garden
Learn about how we are taking seriously our stewardship of the land through responsible ecological practices and community building.

Keep up to date with the community by reading our blog
Meet our Staff
Rev. Tara Wilkins - Pastor
Kina Muir - Accompanist
Reese Watkins - Communications Director
Kamilah Davis - Childcare Provider
Our Gallery
See what Bridgeport United Church of Christ is doing. View pictures of our church serving in the community, bringing light, love, and justice to our city.
Make a donation.
Our call as a Christian community is to reflect God's love and justice in the world. Our ministry depends on the contributions of our members and friends. If you would like to participate in this way, please consider giving generously. You can make a tax-deductible donation by clicking on the button below.
Contact us
For all questions about our church, or to make a pastoral call request, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are a member of the Central Pacific Conference
The CPC is made up of 40 congregations in Oregon, SW Washington and southern Idaho. The CPC is an Open and Affirming, Anti-Racist, Immigrant Welcoming, Just Peace, and Earth Justice Conference.
Find out more about the United Church of Christ, who we are, what we believe and what we are doing in the world.